
Garden is Done!

I am so proud to finally show off the finished photos of our little garden! Last weekend we added some colorful petunias, mulch and a sweet, little picket fence. what do you think?

I love, love, love it. It gives our yard (and that blah shed - I cannot wait to paint it!)...some much needed colors. Its a little more country cottage than I usually go for...but I think it works!

If you have the time and a few dollars...a garden is such a great way to change things up around the house inexpensively. In total, I think we spent maybe $300 or so for everything (including that cute little metal sign that says "bloom").

Not bad for a quick makeover that yields beautiful results like this...

Yep, one of our first and largest blooms! I cannot wait until these bushes fully bloom so I can start clipping a few to decorate with inside as well.


That Girl in Pearls said...

Eek! You read my mind!! Our new place is going to need a desperate face in the garden department. It turned out Lovely! The white picket fencing is just darling.

Hope you have a great week Love!

Design Candy said...

Thanks so much! It was a lot of work but it's so amazing to visit every morning :)