
Fabulous Home Tour Alert!

If, like me you're tired of the snowy weather today (will it EVER stop snowing here on the east coast?) then, I highly recommend you pop on over to Made by Girl...she just posted the most colorful, happy, beautiful, real home tour, I've seen in awhile. Here is a sneak peek:

Photo via Shelter.

The house belongs to interior designer Julie Richards from Salem, Massachusetts. She owns Shelter Interior Design and has a delightful blog, called Shelter. This girl has great style and quite an eye (I bet she's a great shopping partner!) Plus, I love anyone who is as fond of HomeGoods as I am :) Julie also offered a few sources to her home's re-do on her blog, check it out here.

Go check it out! And have a happy weekend!

1 comment:

That Girl in Pearls said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!! Yours is so fun! I'll be keeping up with it. And speaking of home decor shopaholics... I think I might need to start going to Crate & Barrel Addicts Anonymous!! Oh my Lord, I can't look at their site without finding something I Love and have to have.
